What should you expect when you attend one of our Worship Services for the first time?
Our Worship Service begins at 11:00 a.m.
When you arrive, one of our greeters will give you a Welcome Bag to show our appreciation for you taking the time to join us. You'll also be given a Guest Card. You are asked to write your name, phone number, and email address on the card. We promise to send only one follow-up email after your visit. There is free coffee and tea available, which you can take into the sanctuary with you.
Our services include a mix of singing, prayers, Scripture readings, and preaching. We sing both hymns and contemporay songs. We normally use the English Standard Version (ESV) for Scripture reading and preaching. Our preferred type of preaching is expository (preaching through a Bible passage), though we also occasionally do topical preaching.
We offer Junior Church for children ages 3-7, which is dismissed prior to the start of the sermon. For the older kids, there are copies of My Sermon Notes available. The children can pass in their copy of My Sermon Notes after the service and receive a small gift.
The Lord's Supper is observed twice a month, on the second and fourth Sundays. Any believer (whether you are a member of our church or not) is free to partake of the Lord's Supper with us.
Once a month (usually the first Sunday of the month), we have a Fellowship Lunch after the Worship Service. This is a potluck meal, but everyone is invited to join us for lunch whether they brought something or not.